Accounting Abbreviations:
- ABC: Activity Based Costing
- AJE: Adjusting Journal Entry
- AP: Accounts Payable
- AR: Accounts Receivable
- AT: Asset Turnover
- BB: Beginning Balance (see also: EB)
- BV: Book Value
- CJE: Closing Journal Entry
- CM: Contribution Margin (= Sales less Variable Costs)
- COGM: Cost Of Goods Manufactured
- Cr: Credit
- CVP: Cost-Volume-Profit
- Dr: Debit
- EB: Ending Balance (see also BB)
- EPS: Earnings Per Share
- EVA: Economic Value Added
- FIFO: First In, First Out (see also: LIFO)
- FC: Fixed Costs (see also: VC)
- FS: Financial Statements
- FYE: Fiscal Year End; (e.g.: FYE2010)
- GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- GL: General Ledger
- IS: Income Statement
- ISO: International Standards Organization
- JE: Journal Entry
- JIT: Just In Time
- LIFO: Last In, First Out (see also: FIFO)
- LOC: Line of Credit
- NI: Net Income
- OH: Overhead
- PL: Profit/Loss Statement
- PM: Profit Margin
- PVA: Process Value Analysis
- RE: Retained Earnings
- ROI: Return On Investment
- SAG Expenses: Selling, Administrative, and General Expenses
- SHE: Stockholders Equity
- SP: Sales Price (price of goods/services sold)
- TB: Trial Balance
- VC: Variable Costs (see also: FC)
- WIP: Work-In-Progress
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